Praiamar Natal Hotel contacts
Use the following form to get in touch and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.
St. Francisco Gurgel, 33, Ponta Negra, Natal, RN
Brazil, 59090-050
Phone: +55 84 3219-2230
Email: [email protected]
How to get there
By car: Coming from the BR-101 or BR-304, head towards the Ponta Negra Viaduct and follow the signs to Ponta Negra. On Av. Engenheiro Roberto Freire, continue to the Rota do Sol traffic circle. Then return along the same avenue, turn right onto St. Pastor Rodolfo Beuttenmuller and then left onto St. Francisco Gurgel.
By plane: From Natal Airport to the Praiamar Natal Hotel & Convention, head towards the Newton Navarro Bridge. After crossing it, continue along the Via Costeira until you reach the Ponta Negra traffic circle. Continue towards Ponta Negra to the Rota do Sol traffic circle and return along the same avenue. Then turn right onto St. Pastor Rodolfo Beuttenmuller and then left onto Francisco Gurgel.